Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Banana Bread

I wish that I had a great story about how banana bread is awesome, and I made it when I was a little kid or how I took it to an old grandma while she was sick, but no.... just a boring little banana bread that actually turned out quite delicious. I have always felt that I'm a better baker than a cook... so this is more of my thang! Well here is what you will need for this recipe

3 ripe bananas (brown like you want to throw them away)
1/2 cup butter softened (room temperature)
1 cup white sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 and 1/2 cups flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 cup sour cream (the absolute key!!!)
1/2 teaspoon salt

1. Mix all dry ingredients together in a bowl

2. Mash bananas with a fork

3. Cream butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla together in a mixer
4. Mix in dry ingredients adding a little at a time.

5. With a rubber spatula fold in sour cream and bananas

6. Pour mixture into a greased bread pan

7. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour OR until a toothpick comes out clean

This turned out wonderful!!! I really was shocked that I could make something like this. Cut off a slice and serve it with some butter on it! Wow... I guess my grandpa in law used to put a slice of cheese on it. I didn't dare go that far even though I'm passionate about cheese!! Best dishes my friends, and please leave your comments!

Also, this week I'm joining a blog party... it's my second of the sort, and I hope it goes well. I hope everyone that is here will enjoy the bread, and other recipes! I love your comments long or short, funny or even angry haha. For other people's awesome blogs go here...... A Soft Place to Land.


  1. I loves me some 'nana bread! Yours looks nummy.

  2. Looks delicious! And, if you really have a *great* bust enhancement pill to sell, I might just relent and let you be my first advertiser. ;)

  3. It's delicious with cheese. Seriously.

  4. My very favorite bread on the planet. So moist and delicious! I'll have to try this recipe. I don't think I've ever put sour cream in it...

    Happy Friday!

    Becky K.
    Hospitality Lane

  5. This looks good, I've never tried it with sour cream.

  6. I don't like bananas, but I LOVE banana bread!! This one looks similar to a banana bread recipe I have with the sour cream. Yummy!!

    Any tips on how I can get my hubby to bake for me?? ;-)

    Kelly @ DesignTies

  7. Yummmmm, I love banana bread!! I will have to try this!!

  8. I'll definitely have to try this! It looks delicious. ;)

    Feel free to check out my brand new craft blog at

  9. I love banana bread! This recipe looks easy and yummy! Besides, who can argue with 4 forks up wife rating?! ;)
